Hello, there. ❀✿❤♪ You said you loved me, I said I loved you back. What happened to that? People say, find good people and leave bad ones, but it should be, find the good in people and ignore bad in them. Remember No One Is Perfect In This World. You have every right to a beautiful life. Remember that. Always be yourself, there is no one better!
O meni
- Vita:)
- ženska
- 23 let , Zemlja ➝ Slovenija:)
- glasbaSelena Gomez, Lea Michele:)
- filmiMonte Carlo:)
- tv serijeEllen, The Pretty Little Lairs:)
Še več
- barvaZelena, vijolična:)
- vzornikiSelena Gomez, Lea Michhele, Neymar JR❤
Ful ti hvala da si mi ocenla in komentirala slike. Mwaaaa. Lada te mam.
ojj lep profill
pa full dobra zgodbicaa
you' re profileee!!
Hey! Cool profil!
http://www.igre123.com/forum/tema/tezave-z-lasmi/43084/1 plisss usaj poglej mogoče ti bo kaj prišlo prav
hey lep profil maš
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