


/im just a girl who went to see iron maiden and metallica, but i secretly fell in love with this stupid british boyband called one direction and now im crying because the lead singer of iron maiden has got cancer and zayn malik left one direction (a poet written by nina, aint it fun) /

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  • 23 let

Komentarji (147)

od tebe sem že slišala za njih :3
"JEBI SE.-.-"" -sama se ne morem o.O (okej, ignoriraj zaj to *poker-face*)

hahaha gustika smile_xd
kurt cobain majco sem si na morju kupla *___________*

kaj sta se te zaj zbudila? sta mela naporno noč? smile_xd

profil urejam smile_xd tii?

aha, sem predvidevala, da je blo to ja, hehe c:

kaj je blo 21.6. pa 22.6.? :3

1. komentar hihi smile_xd Jeeej, komentiram lahko!! :'D