


~ Trust only yourself !! Don't believe no one cuz' they might hurt you. ~ Are you excited what's gonna happen when you get older? Don't be...life will only shit on you! ~Being treated hurts! Especially from friends who you love the most. And not even thousands of ''sorry'' won't help becouse my heart is already broken. ~ You don't have friends? Don't worry...look around the house, i think you know who i mean. ~ I just have to tell that ....all women who have boyfriends, please don't forget your friends, becouse when you will break up with your boyfriend and want to cry on your friends arm they won't be there for you. Just think how they felt when you forgot them and haven't gone out with them for months just becouse you wanted to be with your boyfriend who will call you a bitch after breaking up....

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Komentarji (401)

Mia je ful vreju oseba drgač ampak mi žau ne verjame in ja to me je razpizdlo! in zdj sem tko jezna zarad tega...avesh?

lej zarad ene osebe je use...idi poglej na moj profič bol dol pa boš vidla...okei? :* <3

zaka pa ne? -.- saj me tko al tko duben ne mara! sad ohmy

kak ši? :* <3 plis sprejmeš za frendico?

helou :* <3

< 3

< 33333333333

Ka ti mene zajebavas xP

Na use bele tablete si alergicna!? xP

Nee take beeleee:$

Sam antibiotiki me bodo ubil x'P
2cm dolge tablete pa 1cm siroke smile_xd OMG

špelca <33 pousod sm :$


Aja :'p

< 3

Vročino mam, grlo me boli, glava me boli, ušesi me bolijooo x'Đ
Angino mam o':

sej sm mu rekla pa je kao neki reku da ni biu on.bo vidu da ni biu on ko ga bom udarla da se nebo mogu pobrat-.-"

ja ma dej da mu jebem mater pizdaaaa._. ubila ga bom če je biu to res on.-.-"

sm šla gledat teksaški pokol z motorko in sm se tok smejala ej fak.film jači.:'D

najbolše.tok dobro že douuuuuugo časa nism bla.:'D