


''I wanna dedicate this song to the people who try to hold u back, to the people who tell u how to live, people who tell u how to dress, people who tell u how to talk, people who tell u what u can say or what u can't say, I personally don't need that, I don't need that shit in my life, those are kind of people who try to kept me down, they make me feel like somebody, somebody out there is out ta get me!'' (axl rose)

We dedicate this song to people who tell you you can never fuckin get anywhere with your life! this is a song called Double Talkin Jive motherfucker!

O meni

  • moški
  • 37 let , Paradise City


  • glasbarock/hard rock
  • filmivse kar je dobro :) velik oboževalc filmov
  • hobijižuri, kitara...

Še več

  • hranamora bit :)
  • barvaa hrane? hehehe:) črna
  • živalimam mačko
  • ime šoleto bomo pustili... :)
  • vzornikiwtf? ;) recimo slash m/

Komentarji (10)

Carski profil<3

Zakon profil! Rock on!!

ma ne vsake tolko pokukal...

haha, ja... so long sin city je bil posnet za film this is not a movie... To je moj novi forum a bi lahko sodeloval prosim?
Če že poslušaš Slasha je tu nova pesem od njega za naslednjo plato

hahahaha lol thanks

uporabnik še nima komentarjev, a zdaj jih ima hehe kissing