Lea Marušič



~When life gives you hundred reasons to cry show life thousand reasons to smile. ~I got my heart and my head on the dance floor! ~When someone tells you YOU CAN'T turn around and say watch me! ~Life is to short to be anything but happy. ~Take every chance to make you'r life better. ~You never let someone holding you're pen when you writing you're life story. ~Trust me you can dance. By: Vodka ~Never give up! ~Head up, fake smile and everything's gonna be allright! ~You never go to heaven but you got realy close. ~Take me as I am or watch me as i go. ~The past is passed. Let it go! ~Sweet as sugar hard as ice hurt me once I'll kill you twice. ~All you need for beautifull life is music, party and friends. ~Just give me a reason why you don't love me. Am I not good enough for you? ~You gotta get up and try. ~Don't judge me. I was born to be real not perfect! ~I don't give a fuck what people think because people don't think. ~When there's no else you have to be you're own superman! OPIS: / 12 / love fashion, JB and P!nk / Slovenia / Belieber forever/ Instagram: leamarusic / Family: žena: ოɾš.ѕσηg❣ STRANI: Followajte na tumblrju http://crazy-sexy-wild8.tumblr.com/ twitterju https://twitter.com/marusiclea upam, da vam je ušeč moj tumblr! Mam tudi facebok in instagram, če kdo hoče dodat naj mi piše sporočilo (: Sprejmem useh tko, da kar dodaj! ONCE A BELIEBER FOREVER A BELIEBER ♥ Zbiram družino tko, da napište kaj hočte bit!

O meni

  • Lea Marušič
  • ženska
  • 31 let


  • glasbaUse najbol pa Justin Bieber
  • tv serijeDisney channel
  • hobijiPles

Še več

  • barvaVIJOLA
  • vzornikiChachi Gonzales, Justin Bieber, Pink


  • emaillea.marusic1@gmail.com

Komentarji (12)

O hudo kasn g kuko se ga nrdi a se druge crke tut lohk??

full lep profilčeksmile

mrs.piky: ja sem ja smile
ѕυρєяgιяℓΙ : supeeeer smile
Nejacarica : hvala, in supeer big-smilie

heilla!! (: a ti si tut beliberka?? (:

jaz sem tud beliberka!!1

hvala tvoj je tudi nor profil hi,hiclap
pa super ker sva obe belieberkeheartrocks



@Nika1D; Hvala tudi tebi mala smile

waw tvoj blog *__*

@ania; hvala srček ♥ ;*

Maš pošten blog smile
slike so najaće♥