


Hei!wink Nemorm brez 1D pa Naruta pa skautou pa Tumblrja, ker se moj ceu lajf vrti ukol tega pahahah poslušam use muske big-smilie no hate ♥ Najljubša beseda: “ Dattebayo! „ (japanese) - “ Believe It! „ Not gonna lie I spend 86% of my time imagining different scenarios in my head! “ Fans always ask me to marry them, so i am going to have a lot of wives. „ -Niall Horan “ Cats are evil. They just sit there and look at you. You know they're plotting world domination, just waiting for that moment to pounce. „ -Liam Payne “ Just because you have flaws, doesn't mean you're not beautiful. „ -Zayn Malik “ The fame got to Kevin's head and he's just with tons of other birds now. He's not intrested in me. „ -Louis Tomlinson “ I don't think you can really define love „ -Harry Styles Liam loves kissing on the cheek, Louis on the forehead, Harry on the neck, Zayn on the lips and Niall on the nose! ♥

“ It's almost unbearable, isn't it… the pain of being all alone. I know that feeling, I've been there, in that dark and lonely place, but now there are others, other people who mean a lot to me. I care more about them than I do myself, and I won't let anyone hurt them. That's why I'll never give up, I will stop you, even if I have to kill you! They saved me from myself, they rescued me from my loneliness, they were the first to accept me as who I am. They're my friends. „ -Naruto Uzumaki “ Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace. „ -Pain/Nagato “ A soul needs a purpose to live... and so I concluded that my purpose was to kill everyone besides myself. I felt alive... „ -Gaara “ A place where someone still thinks about you is a place you can call home „ -Jiraiya “ Art is an explosion! „ -Deidara

O meni

  • Klara:)
  • ženska
  • 26 let


  • glasbaOne direction ♥ in use drugo ;D
  • filmiThe butterfly effect, White chicks, Tres metros sobre el cielo, Spirited Away...
  • hobijiAnime-Naruto ♥

Še več

  • hranaRamen♥
  • barvazelena, modra, vijolčna
  • živaliskor use!:)
  • ne maramI don't particularly like anything! xD
  • vzornikiOne direction! ♥

Komentarji (10)

bom pogledalaaa;DD hah pa ful je dobraaaaaaa

a bi prosim brala ti bom zelooo hvaležna<333
drugače pa vsaj poglej ne bo ti žal (;
Link: http://www.igre123.com/forum/tema/s-s-ff./68520/
pa sory za smetenje

bom brala res mi je ušeeeeeč;DD pa sploh ni problema! ♥

Heii! Začela sem prevajati zgodbico iz Wattpada. Vesela bi bila če bi jo prebrala(: http://www.igre123.com/forum/tema/the-new-student-%28harry-styles-fanfic%29/60382/ Hvala če boš<33 +sory za oglaševanje:/

Hwala res :** sej moja frendica piše z mano in ona je tudi izjemna pisateljica predvsem pa piše smešno in sem prepričana da ti bo tudi v nadaljevanju všeč :')

aja haha ej ni prublem sam res carsko pišeš ;** ♥♥

Aja jst sem drugače Ŧ๏๏т๒aℓℓ●๓asтєя samo mam drug profil ;**

Okeej hwala res si the best <333

okeeeeej bom ;D haha zihr mi bo ušeeeč! ;*

http://www.igre123.com/forum/tema/ee-g-ece-v-g-eam-g-be-ev-g-(o-e-rect-o-fa-f-ct-o-)/54137/1 Prebereš prosim (: Z Petro sva ponovno začele pisati zgodbico (: obljubljava, da jo bova dokončali :') Pa preden sva tisto izbrisali je imela ogromno bralcev zato ti bo zagotovo ušeč :** prosim :')