


My blog: Concerts are my home Where the band is, home is They said we're losers and we're allright with that I wanna take my heart to the end of the world and fly away tonight

✞When life gives you lemons, keep them, because lemons. ღLuke Hemmings ✞Just live right now and be youself, it doesen't matter if it's good enough for someone else. ღCalum Hood ✞I've only got forever and forever is fine. ღAshton Irwin ✞Real bands save fans, real fans save bands. ღMichael Clifford
✞A friend of mine had this great theory about the Teletubbies, that is preaparing us for being mindless. And getting us ready for living in an undergrounded world. That's why the scenery is so flat.

O meni

  • Dora
  • ženska
  • 23 let , Concerts
  • 29.11.2000


  • glasba卌 SOS, The Vamps Little Mix, 1D, ShawnMendes, Halsey,All Time Low, Ed Sheeran, Twenty One Pilots,
  • filmiTitanic, The Hunger games, This is us, Vampire Academy
  • tv serijeGrey's anatomy, Teen Wolf, 13 Reasons Why
  • hobijiSpanje, poslušanje glasbe

Še več

  • hranapica, hamburger
  • barvavijolična
  • živalimačka, pes
  • ne maramko mi nekdo neki govori, jaz pa mam slušalke v ušesih
  • ime šoleto je ono za prizadete?
  • naj prijatelj tukajhoran.girl
  • vzornikifižolček Špela


Komentarji (95)

Heeiii^-^Hvala, da si mi pisala, res cenim to smile Ja, moja tema je nekako 'zaštekala', nwm, administratorju sem poslala sporočilo, ker se zdaj zaradi nekega spema ne more več objaviti komentarja na to temo, vendar je le-ta spam odstranil, nadaljnje komentiranje pa je še vedno onemogočeno. Bom videla, kaj lahko storim, -N

Hey kako si


Mogla bi bit z mano u Španij, a veš kok hudih tipov je blo tam....

Sem ja x'd

aja?! jaz nea gleam vsak dan šola pa to ampak okeey smile_xd


jaz se ne spomnim da bi vidla ta del sem pa vidla enkrt ko je meredith onega baileya rodila pa so meli celo sranje

pa nič takega ni smile_xd samo pač ene stvari so take

najboljša tv serija ever poleg castla seveda:*

planet TV smile_xd

o bog ti tud gleaš talente v belem????

hvala smile


21 komentar+nice profil




hei smile
