


Welcome... To My Profil! ♥ I wanna be a billionnaire So frickin bad ♥ My life motto: "Keep laughing 'til you feel happy" Mr Askusme big-smilie Zoe,Žaana,Maiia,Katty,Brina,Larch you mean the world to me ♥♥ smile Oh and Jinalee (zoe's classmate big-smilie) the REAPER tongue What would you do, if your friends die tomorrow, and you never go to tell him have you fell? I just want you to know: even, if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me, and you have made a difference in my life! I will be there till the end, I will always and forever be your friend. ^^ Žanaa--->I LikeeLikeeLikeeLikee 4 eveeer uu!!! MaaJaa---> ♥♥ LowwJa ;] Gaaajaaa--->♥♥Rtmfffff LowwJaa Najblll Mwaa :]] ♥♥ i LIKE my FRIENDS 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

O meni

  • Gaja**=]
  • ženska
  • 25 let , Rainboow ♥
  • 19.10.1998


  • glasbaNo Musiic No Life (PooP&&Rock (Maybee ;])♥
  • filmiMuwwwi**;D♥ [HPoTrr,TwilighT,...]
  • tv serijeAs Ti TuT NoT PaDu?!♥ ;]
  • hobijiTHE CŁimb ;**&&Ice Hockeeey (JESENICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :D♥)

Še več

  • hranaPalaaaČinkee&&ChiiPss♥ ;D
  • barvaGreen&&Orangee&&PinK**;D♥
  • živaliAŁŁ!♥(STAR xD)
  • ne maramSchool!x♥x♥
  • ime šoleOŠ =)♥
  • naj prijatelj tukajPonchiooo,Fifacup,Bleeeah ;D** [LouuJaa ;]♥
  • vzornikiJzz**♥ ;]!

Komentarji (25)

Ženoooo***< 3 a Zoee Meddd pučitncaam Pridee???
Yeeeeaaaah...Sj Bojo codyjaa TuuT PrPeelaal an???
Waa Kokk Jihh Jzz Missaaaaaaaam Duu Konccc Lifaaa
A Poj Gremo Mi Usi Skp Nazaaj ?? (K nimmm)
Waa naiibol pr twojmu upisuu mi jee pa Stauuk:Oh and Jinalee (zoe's classmate ;D) the REAPER tongue
Ouu Ma sj Onn Je Res Reprr =D!

LouuJaa Ženoo :]] i Likee U big-smilie Arr**< 3
Ženkoo Lubbaa MwaaMwwaa Missaam Te♥

Ženoo Moii :** LouuJaa :]] ♥x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Nairaištemam! MwaaMwaaMwaaMwaa♥

EveryDaay SmiŁe :]! ♥

ja lahko frends
Pa TnX tvoja je tut ful cool
ja jst sm gor