stone cold sober



You will find me in places that we've never been, for reasons we don't understand. instagram: sarcc // you look so cool // In the depth grows a monster swallowing the happiness. On the face is the courage, fighting it with glorious smiles.

We met at the wrong time, I really believe that. Because maybe if the leaves weren’t cascading off the trees and the sun didn’t hide away so early then things would have been different. Maybe you could have stayed.

O meni

  • stone cold sober
  • ženska
  • 21 let


  • glasba1d, twenty one pilots, g-eazy, the 1975

Komentarji (2791)

Hvala ti.!

a maš skajp???


tut jst mam tako sliko shranjeno

Vse nai nai nai naiheart

vse super nai naii big-smilie

Vse naj naj!!!!!!♥♥♥

vse najbolš


use nai nai

use naj naj smile_xd

vse nj naj naj!

Use Nai Nai big-smilie

vse naj naj!!!

vse nai nai

Use najboljše smile

use nai nai ♥

h-day lol

vse najboljše!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

use nai naaai