cαʟʟ мε ρıκαcнυ﹗



►this is a story of my life. and how five strangers turnd my whole world upside down. ►but falling in love, whit someone i never meet, is really stupied thing to do. but it wasn't my choice. it just happend ►i realized that when they were happy i was happy to. ►and i realized i would do anything to make they happy. even love them widouth beaing love back ►sometimes i want to know what i really feel to them. what i'd say is love. like a higher level of happines? ►when i look at them i see my world.

O meni

  • cαʟʟ мε ρıκαcнυ﹗
  • ženska
  • 23 let , ʟσυıƨ' нσυƨε. (συя нσυƨε)

Še več

  • vzornikiℓσυιѕ тσмℓιηѕση! ℓσυιѕ тσмℓιηѕση! ℓσυιѕ тσмℓιηѕση! ℓσυιѕ тσмℓιηѕση! ℓσυιѕ тσмℓιηѕση!

Komentarji (95)

Kaj popolno? Ti? Seveda *O*

Hahahah smile_xd Dej mi jutr napiš smile_xd
Vem jaa smile_xd

Bobeer teek smile_xd Boober hahahahha bober teek hahahahhaha

We are 2 craaaazy bictheeeeeas smile_xd Neki sem danes pila pa nea vem kaj hahahha

Hello may womaaan smile_xd

jap in ženska nebo čist nč razumela ker je tak butasta smile_xd

naaaaaaaaaaaajbol na svetu smile_xd

to pesmico ko jo maš na profilu sm si med testu pri matki izmisla in sm jo tut gor napisala, učitlca me je pa sam čudno gledala ko ni vedla ka to pomeni smile_xd

ja itak da si jo lahk daaš smile_xd

alpa tale: twinkle rwinkle little hoor(pač prostitutko mislim) close your legs because they're not a door smile_xd

hahahah, js pa za horny pesmice smile_xd
tole mi je ena moja frendica povedla: Roses are red, violets are blue.Just open your legs and give me one hour smile_xd

js te mam tut rada <333 smile_xd

yeeees, pa hiter ga napiš predn umrem od straha ko me je u klet zapru zaradi učeri -.- smile_xd
pa najlepši komentirajo moje slike <33

za kero pa? smile_xd

kuul smile_xd in kk si kej? smile_xd

kaj čem pa drugega ? ? ? smile_xd

tongue kurac smile_xd


nina liže louisov kurac! smile_xd

nina liže louisov kurac! smile_xd