


Hej, helou!! Keep calm and PIKA PIKA!! Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, than weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile!

O meni

  • Ewa
  • ženska
  • 31 let , Lju bljah na


  • glasbaKodaline
  • filmiKodaline's music video
  • tv serijeGame of Thrones
  • hobijirolanje, risanje, slikanje, fotografiranje

Še več

  • hranagozdni sadeži
  • barvardeča, zelena
  • živalivse
  • naj prijatelj tukajMeĐerk

Komentarji (80)

from a bush smile_xd

Suddenly...random kitara big-smilie hahaha

I know, right? tongue

Sevedada, mela sm zimsko spanje hahaa

I have just gotten out of the cave I've been in for the past 3 months

Sevedada, jst najbl jaćaaa tongue

I don't know, my age?

well, you know me tongue smile_xd

He will pay for this! smile_xd haha

haha we were born to be banned from here :'D

Ja, mislm, lahka bi naju banu ane smile_xd

hahaha mislm -.-''' how dares he not to ban us!

and you're a sister from another mister :'D

you're mine long long ago lost sister :'D hahaha :'''D jz se spovnm rolanja k sva vedno neke čudake vidle haahahahahaaa smile_xd :'''D

nism dubu še tvoje zgodbe Eva...čakam že skor da ne 3 mesce

haha ja big-smilie

hahaha ma jebeš (: majkemi ^^ :3 pač naj žvi po svoje ^^ nove zapestnce mam =P

hehehe xD :'D