


-One day you're going to see her holding hands with someone who took your chance. She won't even notice you because she's too busy laughing with the stupid jokes he makes. And it will burn your heart seeing that beautiful smile on her face and realizing that you're not the reason anymore. And then will finally hit you: it was her, it was always her.. -roses are red,violets are blue. im still in love but not with you. you tought you hurt me and made me cry,now im talking to this new guy. simply because you have no class, you can go ahead and kiss my ass. screw you and your little ass dick, so sit around and talk talk to your shit. you think you can do it better? cool story bro. i hope you get herpes from your little new hoe. you said you love me but it wasnt true,well quess what,i played you to

O meni

  • ženska
  • 23 let
  • 01.10.2000

Komentarji (417)

-nou profil mam


uše naj naj

■ z zαlo ѕvα ɴrdιle eɴo тeмo zα вolšo ѕlιĸco:З
■ вod ѕoɴčĸ ĸ ɴαмα вoš polepšαυ dαɴ,pα ѕodelυj.*
http://www.igre123.com/forum/tema/zber-bo-so-kco/58611/ ■ če вoš ѕodelvαl/α тι ѕpαмαvα 1 ѕтrαɴ ♥
■ ιɴ ѕorry zα oɢlαšvαɴje < З

??? ;O
povej na zs plis!!!! :*

ahahaha ups smile_xd
omg zakaaaj? ;oo

emaaa!! <3 miss u swetty! <3
Kaj ti pa Denis sta sla narazn?? ;o

miss uu! :c

kaaj blo srce :'o :c bo ((:

emaa!! <33

kjeeeeesi srce?:3


Uff ufff to pa itaaak <333 ej boom x'd ti pa daavida ;*

Ajja c: kook sta sooncka :$ staaaaay < 3333

Pool je 8 klass?((: ti pa?:3

Po teebi :$
Ej kok je Deeejvid staar?:'3

np!! smo povedat mi moraaš!! <3