


http://www.igre123.com/forum/tema/burn-out-niall-horan/76307/ yas my new story we're all fifty shades of fucked up

O meni

  • ksenija
  • ženska
  • 31 let , actually thirteen

Komentarji (4504)


boga...js grem pa zdej na faking teorijo -.-"

g* x'd

thank you darlin :33

hiii smile_xd

omggggg profil like bitches be like: i know them *meh of horse* :$$$ WAIT A SEC YOU KNOW BRING ME THE HORIZON? *O* totally fab #just sayin'


Damn guuurl najm :$$$

neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejm :$ hh

Kot da me presenečasmile_xd<3:*

Hahhah mrs mrs mrs smile_xd<3:* sej se hecam sam pac um napisala bom next pa ti ga po sporocilih poslala ti pa napis ce je kej narobe al pa kej okš?<3

Nesramnica-.-" idi jestsmile_xd<3

Nejm nejm nejm *o*

Like woah girl nebo u anglismile_xd<3:*

dont ask me i dont get this shit eather smile_xd<3:* hah nwm neki probam skup spackatsmile_xd<3:*

Gosh are u sick? U r hair are like my ass woah arrrr smile_xd haha wača doin?<3

Samousecnica pffffff -.-" smile_xd<3:*

Name *_* this name is so fucking good i swear :*

Like woooooah nejm *______________* smile_xd<3:*

Hihismile_xd<3:* da da dont worry sam si morem vse stevilke shranit ker nov fon dobim lallalaaaaaa smile_xd<33:*