The Game


@Apex Predator

Kad svi odu, kad te napuste, hodaš sam kroz prazne ulice, znaj, da uvek mislim na tebe, da za tebe uvek biću tu, ...biću tu... Sve što drugom uradiš, sve se vrati, sve to život jednom naplati. Power poisons the heart, it changes it from within. Deception lives in the dark, but you can't hide from your sins. This is a war, and our blood will draw the battle lines... Lies will burden the soul, and pull it into the deep. Everything that we know will be just out of reach. Hope will be torn, whose side are you fighting for ?? This is a war. The time has come to relive that pain. Which will be better for me ? But not so enjoyable for all of you !!! On the 8th day God created mankind. Why was He having such a bad day ?! Why did He create all of you normal, and forget some of the important parts of me ?! He made the teeth that I swallowed, the ear that was ripped from my skull, a face that no longer exists !!! Deep inside you are meerly a mirror image of all my atrocities !!! The ugliness that exists outside, lives inside everyone of you !!! Destruction...can be beautiful !!! Leave the light on, I'm coming home. Omnes spes demortae sunt.
I ove suze, i sama znaš, samo su naša poslednja laž i ništa drugo. I svaka je laž još jedan ključ od vrata što ne postoje. Oderint Dum Metuant !
Ferrum Pugnus, Ferrum Regit !
The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday ! Si vis pacem, para bellum ! Blood, sweat and respect. First two you give, last one you earn ! We do it for the moments when time stops, for that one instant that last forever, when determination turns to celebration, and dreams come true. We don't become champions because we win, we win because we are champions !
The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you've come !
TIME TO PLAY THE GAME ! It's all about the game, and how you play it ! All about control, and if you can take it ! All about your debt, and if you can pay it ! It's all about pain, and who's gonna make it ! I am The Game, you don't wanna play me ? I am Control, no way you can change me ! I am Heavy Debts, no way you can pay me ! I am The Pain, and I know you can't take me ! Look over your shoulder, ready to run ! Like a Cleveland bitch, from a smoking gun ! I am The Game, and I make the rules ! So move on out, or you can die like the fools ! Try and figure out what my moves gonna be, Come on over sucker, why don't you ask me ? Don't you forget there's a price you can pay ! Cause I am The Game and I want to play ! Play the game, you're gonna be the same, you're gonna change your name, you're gonna die in flames ! TIME TO PLAY THE GAME !!!
People know your name, not your story. They've heard what you've done, but not what you've been through. So take their opinions of you with a grain of salt. In the end, it's not what others think, it's what you think about yourself that counts ! Don't make promises you won't keep...
Budi to što jesi. Ako se ne svidiš ljudima, ko im *ebe mater. Vocare Ad Regnum ! Never walk away from a fight that's worth fighting, never hesitate when you know you're gonna act, never waste your words on a fool you won't listen, never sell your soul cause you'll never buy it...back !
Porazi su samo kratka odmarališta za buduće pobede ! Ljubav, ne spominji ljubav, jer poslednja ti si, koja sada ima prava na to, ljubav, ne spominji ljubav, već jastuk donesi, da meko padneš na dno.

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