


“It’s all so complicated here, Lucifer. I mean, caring about humans always go wrong. Feelings go wrong. I am not the one who is supposed to be tortured.”

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  • ženska
  • 28 let


  • tv serijeLucifer

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  • barvablack

Komentarji (61)

Tnx smile

Cool profil

Hahahahaha, ful dober profilsmile_xd tongue

Haha, kok si me nasmejala smile_xd
Dober profil!

res carski profil smile_xdsmile_xd

Lep profil.

Hvala tongue smile_xd

Noro hud profil *__* smile_xd

Noro hud profil *-* smile_xd

Ful hud profil *-*

Ful hud profil *-*

Ful hud profil *-*

Cool profil

Carski profil smile_xd

Tnx smile_xd

Ful dober profil smile_xd haha


lep profil! ful zanimivo za orebrat


Carski profilsmile_xd