Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction smile

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*blond asian right? tongue

what's the name of the game BAP! : odgovor: boald asion people,...

ja ,.....lahko ja,.... samo problem je da nism blont,...

hmmmm,..... whistling2

Hahahaha Jaaa! Pa se res tko sliš x'DD
Js tud umiram vsakič pr kakem hudem primeru Engrish-a! x'DD
Haha My daddy is fluent at it! ;D
Dons je neki razlago kako bo v HK ovseno kašo jedu pa je neki kao v Angleščini govoru pa je namesto Oat Meal (Al kako se pč napiše) reku OTM X'DD
Kokr kakšna kraticaa! ;P

I I have to say that I have gotten a bit more into J-rock lately...And I have to say that Engrish is quite hilarious there aswell x'D
Haha Pr The gazette -The invisible wall x'D Je kr mal trajal predn sm potuhtala de vbistvu Angleško guvuri Hahaha x'D
Pig is that soaked in a soup of crime... < ----- I kinda died here


Jap...menda je x'D
OMG! EPIC!! HAHAHA I'm a NU'TELLA! Hahahaha Whoever thought of this is GENIOUS! X'D
Še kr umiram....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-6WCqppQbs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥

ja pa haaaaaaaaaaaaaalo o:
OMGGG ODJEBI STEM!!!!! ti si prtišjena, majkemi* < 3 : DDD

I completely agree with you...but still I don't think I should hate EXO for that...;P Annyways..
OMG ohmy NU'EST awww....My bias is Ren...< ___ < He's just so cutee! ;3 Kpop sometimes makes me question my sexuality x'DD
Zakaj js pr Face vedno pr taprvem rap-u slišm Show me shit x'DD Haha Pa kokr d bi skos umes govoru shit! ;P
Ka pa btob?^^ Oni so men tut tok zakoon! :3
Čeprov...Ime...Sounds awkward...< _____

WOOOW you really got me here..um...
Well I like them cuz they're very talented (obviously), they have this unique type of music (Some people are comparing them with Suju and SHINee and such but I don't agree with them),and well...I like just about any group so it's no wonder I like EXO too...~~
You ain't a hoe...C'MON we're in 21st century...people CAN and SHOULD speak their minds you're not a hoe for ''disliking'' them..!^^

ne, ti neje znaš ĆUFTOV JEST! :''D

Haha Ok!^^ Pol je itak useen! ;P
I was just CURIOUS YEAAH! smile_xd
OMONA =O SM is such a troll =____=
I know you don't really like EXO,but still
I waited 4 months for EXO's debut...NOW they finally have a showcase or whatever...BUT SM will upload the whole video in HD of it on the 5th of April...=__= And well,their actual debut is on 9th of April O_o And they have so many songs that they could have a WHOLE album,but instead they got a MINI album...And it's called MAMA O__o And it's EXPENSIVE AS HELL

dobro ti?

si pusja ker neznaš jest ćuftov :'D ♥

hahahaahaahahah omđđ pusja ena^^ ♥

Alo kak maš ti tumblr?^^

heej < 3