


Hi. My name is Anna and i'm 13 years old. I like talking in english, so you'll see lots and lots of stuff written in english on my profile. if you don't understand what i'm saying, just ask me, and i'll translate it for ya'. probably. if i won't be too lazy to do it. anyways, i'm in a loving relationship with ma' bed, and food. we're very happy together. yes, i like one direction, yes i like alcohol, and i don't like bitches that talk about other bitches behind their back. OH, by the way, i use sarcasm A LOT, so, don't be sad if i offend you. and if you're wondering why i'm using it alot, because i can make fun of stupid people without them knowing. ADIOS BITCHACHOS!

O meni

  • Anna
  • ženska
  • 25 let , Narnia, bitch

Komentarji (2)


roffffffffl ej nadaljevala sem zgodbico hahaha i miss you :L *: