


Uncomfortable, confused and bad at math.

Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was only red.
also please check this out, it's kind of a chat: http://www.igre123.com/forum/tema/a-hot-cup-of-tea-and-art-please/195360/
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/-cobb- We heart it: https://weheartit.com/thissaltybae Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/fakeblondievibes

O meni

  • Leah
  • ženska
  • 23 let , Somewhere over the rainbow


  • glasbaRiders of the Storm
  • filmiFinding Forrester, The Basketball Diaries
  • tv serijeLucifer

Komentarji (47)

Ik *-*
And The Flash like i just can't smile_xd

Oh ma Barry, u made ma day gurl *o* #FANGIRLING *screaming* Oh ma lord, I can't believe *o* How R U babe? ♥♥♥

Hwala ^^

Ful lep profil <33 perfect profilka!

ful lep profil *___*

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

lep profil

tnx za glas <3

nejm ;d