i'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier and i'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist, like it doesn't exist. ~ perfection is a disease of a nation ~

O meni

  • ženska
  • 23 let , nowhere to be found


  • glasbayeah i listen to that "shitty comercialized pop music" because i grew up with that music and these artists are my life, no matter how much their music sucks ok. yeah, i am a shitty person and i listen to shitty music.

Komentarji (159)

now nejm *O* in lep profil *o*

ka delaš?

kako si?

heej smile

Hvala *___*

Nejm *___*

Sorry but depression eats my imagination.

Ne bo ga.

Goshhh. -.-

ma sej sm se že sprijaznla da larry obstaja no ... definitivno bolj verjamem v larry kot pa elonour .. sam to še ne pomeni da shippam -.-

*forever moj*

Fuck you -.-

+ novo uporabniško ?

that is so sad.

Joj a sm edina ki je gledala Vojno zvezd >.<

I know, yes :$$

Haha take your time ^^

Muahahahahahah :3

Sm ugotovila >.< ja sej zato sta pa obe tk trčeni lol

Ok, sam njenih nasvetov ne, prosim lepo smile_xd

če res no -.-