


Find balance in your life. Work hard but don’t let work take over your life, you will lose yourself. Love, but love for the right reasons. Life is too short for anything mediocre. Know who you are and know that you are worthy of reaching your dreams and that it is never too late to start creating that life you have always dreamed of. Do not compare yourself to others, that’s just deadly. No two souls are the same. You are your own person, you are beautiful and you are unique. Put your trust in the universe. Some things are just meant to happen, and some are not. Let go of whatever is stealing your happiness, it’s hard but it is worth it. Embrace change. Embrace life. Everything happens for a reason, sometimes you just need to breathe, trust and let go.

O meni

  • Kaja
  • ženska
  • 25 let , Ljubljana

Komentarji (205)

takih je premalo v sloveniji < / 3

.. stena smile_xd

sj ni samo srajca lepa na sliki ampak tudi ona...

srajco njeno bi meu smile_xd

omg kdo je to na prikazni *-*

Jaz bi plezau a je blo visoko???
jaz sem danes s pesjo hrano po mb hodo vrjetni si je vsak mislo kaj jem med potjo :$

Shit moj bogi fon pa vse ostalo :c
aia hahaha sem misli da si se polulala smile_xd

Strah me je da meni kaj unićis :c oz pokvaris smile_xd
kak je blo danes si uspela kam prit pri plezanju? Haha. Si padla smile_xd

Saj vseeno ne dela tiiii ti si krivaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
< 3

Ful mi je ćudno da pri tebi vse crkne :x

Prikazna <3
aia kaj si spet fon unićla smile_xd??

ti bom jaz dau luer miha pm smile_xd

če pa še živiš smile_xd

nehaj fy fy fy hahahahaha smile_xd

♡♡♡ LOSER ♡♡♡

FY FY FY FY FY nisem loser smile_xd

upam da ni prikazna meni namenjena smile_xd če je FY smile_xd

ni mi ratalo shit vse je razmrdalo smile_xd

♡♡ ♡♡
♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡

♡ ♡ ♡