Beyond Birthday



⚡ Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love or just because… No matter how pathetic the reason, it’s enough to start war. War will never cease to exist… reasons can be thought up after the fact… Human nature pursues strife. ~Paine

⚡ I don't care if you're a demon, an angel, or something else entirely. You're still made of atoms! ~William Twining
⚡ I don’t care what you call me, i’m still taking your cake ~L
How normal people learn German:
How I learn it:
⚡ There’s no such thing as a painless lesson. They just don’t exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can’t gain anything without losing something first although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you’ll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah, a heart made fullmetal. ~Edward Elric How do you know you listen to way to many creepypastas? After listening to that you're laughing llike crazy and planing on doing this in the future smile_xd
I guess this is goodby little mutherfucker

O meni

  • Beyond Birthday
  • ženska
  • 34 let


  • glasbaBVB, HIM, Crestillion, DNR, Seremedy, Skillet........
  • filmiLegion of the black, Hobbit, Gospodar prstanov:kraljeva vrnitev
  • tv serijePlayful Kiss, Once Upon A Time
  • hobijizgodovina,risanje,.....MUSIC!!

Še več

  • barvav sodelovanju z barvo nohtov
  • živaliso 100% pametnejše od ljudi
  • ne maramhinavcov, važičev, tečnežu, baka,...
  • naj prijatelj tukajTi zgori pise pr familiji
  • vzornikiHIM, BVB, Crestillion, SWS, PTW & use k pise pr muziki

Komentarji (227)

u151962 u151962

How come I didn't meet you before? ohmy
BEAUTIFUL profile!
And you know RP! ((rp is still rare here...))

u172733 u172733

Hahaha heeeejaasmile_xd

u122384 u122384

i don't care, 'till someone hurts her. then, i get ACTUALY mad. and that happened.. oncesmile_xd then, i ACTUALY get crazysmile_xd

u122384 u122384

sad and i thought i was normal, just for a second. sad
nah, fuck T, i have yousmile_xd

u122384 u122384

so i'm not crazy?!?! big-smilie

u122384 u122384

Ok nore babe so mi dale iziv, sam me ne poznajo dovol, d bi vedle, d lohk u skor usakm stauki kko lukno najdem (če bi teli d kej nardim točn tak ku VI hocste & men to ni prou, bi mogl ceu spis napisat pa se to se nebi izslo po vase ) 私は修道女が嫌い Watashi wa shūdō on'na ga kirai 我恨修女 Wǒ hèn xiūnǚ 나는 수녀 싫어 naneun sunyeo silh-eo Cste se kak drgaci povedan?

u122384 u122384

bb, glede tvojega komentara tu...smile_xd
izšlo se bo po mojesmile_xd
aja, glede dannyja, šou bo, ko ja rečemsmile_xd

u81786 u81786

LOL po punoči ne čekirat RPjov smile_xd

I missed you sooooo much too, BB!

u146515 u146515

js sm keitaro, neka kitara iz tega kviza smile_xd to pa pomen kao blazen u slo..

u146515 u146515

waa nejm *__*

u172616 u172616

ja itk d vem kwa je smile_xd ja BB ane smile_xd

u172616 u172616

zarad tebe me je začeu obsedat beyond!! smile_xd

u172616 u172616

a veš, kaj se je men zgodl zarad tebe? smile_xd

u172616 u172616

js sm glupaaaasmile_xd javljam se :$$ smile_xd

u172616 u172616

really, i'm not sayin dat ur stupid, u just have bad luck when it comes to thinking, right? smile_xd

u172616 u172616

sam ne ostane tam, ane smile_xd Chocolate* smile_xd

u172616 u172616

ke te fak je pa zdj chocolaDe!? smile_xd

u172616 u172616

i'm really afrad of ya now..unsure smile_xd