


ϟ < ----- owwww.:'3 ϟ Profil se ureja. ϟ You only live once. Wait What? I'm Voldemort, I have horcruxes-I'm immortale.-.-' ϟ Avada Kedavra je odziv na fejkanje. ϟ There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. ~Voldy. < 3

O meni

  • Voldemort.
  • ženska
  • 24 let

Komentarji (8)

zala teb?

aaa ma Špela sm:$ ti?

maša :'D teb?

heloow :3

haaaaj :3

omg nejm *o*

o haaaaj:$ nova?
